
Antenatal Care

Routine antenatal check-ups by our qualified midwife.

Time: Tuesday 12.00 noon – 2.30 pm

Mother and Baby

Eight week checks plus routine vaccinations for all children up to age 5.

Time: 8 week check – the Practice Nurse will contact you directly to arrange this appointment.

Childhood vaccinations make appointment during normal nurse clinic hours (20 mins appt).


Routine and travel vaccinations for all ages are available during surgery times by appointment with our nurses.

We run a flu jab clinic in October & November. Ask at reception for further information.


Regular check-ups and advice from practice nurse on lifestyle, inhaler techniques and medication.

Time: Make appointment during normal nurse clinic hours (20 mins appt).

Diabetes Nurse

Regular diabetes monitoring, and lifestyle advice from practice nurses to optimise diabetic control and prevent future complications.

Time: Make appointment during normal nurse clinic hours (20 mins appt).

Heart Nurse

Offering preventative, lifestyle, advice and monitoring for cardiac patients.

Time: Make appointment during normal nurse clinic hours (20 mins appt).

Smoking Cessation

One-to-one support from our practice nurse to help you give up smoking.  Advice and supply of nicotine replacement (patches, gum or tablets).  Carbon monoxide monitoring available to measure the benefits of quitting.

Time: Make appointment during normal nurse clinic hours (20 mins appt).


Routine and follow-up smears.  (Women aged 25-49 are advised to have a smear every 3 years, women 50-64 every 5 years).

Time: Make appointment during normal nurse clinic hours (20 mins appt).

Blood Pressure

Routine and follow-up BP measurements.  We also run a 24-hour BP monitoring service to diagnose hypertension.

Time: Make appointment during normal nurse clinic hours (10 mins appt / 24-hour BP: 20 mins appt on 2 consecutive days).

Routine Nursing Care

Dressings, suture removal, ear syringing, injections, weighing, etc.

Time: Make appointment during normal nurse clinic hours.

Travel Vaccinations

Laurel Bank Surgery is a certified Yellow Fever Centre and our practice nurses are fully trained to administer all travel vaccinations.

Please make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss what vaccinations you will require for your trip abroad at the earliest opportunity.

Most travel vaccinations are not covered by the NHS.  See the list of charges below.

Please note, Laurel Bank Surgery does not accept card payments.  We can only accept cash or cheques (made payable to “Laurel Bank Surgery”).

TetanusNo Charge
DiphtheriaNo Charge
PolioNo Charge
CholeraNo Charge
TyphiodNo Charge
Hepatitis ANo Charge
Yellow Fever (including certificate)£55.00
Meningitis ACWY£45.00
Rabies (per course of 3 injections)
(per single injection)
Hepatitis B (per single injection)£25.00
Japanese B Encephalitis (per course of 3 injections)POA

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 16th February, 2022